The different universes and atmospheres created by David Lynch always show a strong level of originality, as if the director was focused on creating something radically unique - a delicate balance of opposites, at the frontier of underground ultra-violence & perversion and heart-warming & simplistic vintage feelings. Freud meets Disney in heartland America. In trying to preserve such an ambitious equilibrium, Lynch does miss the mark at times. While Twin Peaks succeeded with absolute perfection in creating a heavenly space-time recently scourged by evil forces, Wild at Heart mixes the genres and styles in confusion, committing a “faute de goût" both in terms of aesthetics and script
基耶无论驾驭恢弘题材,还是聚焦小人物视觉,都那么行云流水。以小见大,以点概面,勾勒出时代轮廓,细描出人物痛楚。三段假设命运的春秋笔法,而时代并没被架空,处处笔墨浓重地呈现荒谬和恐惧。看了123分钟完整版,竟然很有兴趣看看114分钟版,芳草萋萋8521是怎样被施予屠刀,尤其完整版73分39秒开始那段波兰歌手Jacek Kaczmars的真实出演,在阉割版里被替换的红歌。