其实真正吸引我的只有那一个个意料之外情理之中的case,其他什么人物关系、情感纠葛、道德判断、人生哲理统统都显得挺公式化,挺俗套的。 本剧也有一些很讨巧的设定,比如队长巴比和女警阿西娜两个角色,几乎可以算是各自职业的标杆人物、伟光正典范了(甚至在个人情感上也颇有点无可指摘),那么他们要怎么才能让观众觉得接地气,怎么呈现人格上的弱点,办公室的交易HD中文字幕就是很有技巧的工夫了,至少从目前来看,编剧的完成度相当不错。
Best black romantic comedy of all time? Hal Ashby tries for something so far-fetched, so absurd and subversive that it will only resonate with a few. Its ambition and aesthetics are reminiscent of Dadaism, while its dandy characters feel like the eccentric successors of Des Esseintes from “A Rebours” by Huysmans (1884). Dark, dead-pan humor along an artistic style & intellectual tone shape its mood - death and simulated suicide constantly hanging over. It never fades into nihilism though. Instead, Harold & Maude can be construed as an inspired parable conveying a simple but authentic philosophy of life, an ode to unbounded love and life freed from social norms & disciplinary institutions.